Saturday, April 9, 2011

Saturday Centus, Sunbeams

Jenny gave us a simple prompt this week, but even a simple one can be a challenge to turn it into 100 dazzling words! "April showers bring May flowers" was her prompt, and I fear I did not dazzle with it. However, this day is dazzling and that makes it hard to concentrate on inside writing because the lilacs are out, a breeze carries tree seeds in the air, and even bees are buzzing before the promised April rain comes that is in the forecast!

For complete details and to read some really dazzling uses of the prompt visit Jenny's blog at


Jillian watched raindrops ramble down the window and felt as gray as the cloud-cluttered sky. Winter had been grueling with heavy snows, Ren’s cut in work hours, and the colicky baby.

Aunt Tillie would have some wit to stamp out the depression she was sure. She was always spouting things like “stitch in time”, “eggs in one basket” and such. Oh yeah, she’d say, “April showers bring May flowers”. Well, Jillian thought, I wish something would bloom in my life.

Then she noticed a purple crocus in the yard, heard laughter coming from the crib, and felt mental sunbeams.


  1. What a sweet story! We all need those blooms, don't we?

  2. Those old sayings can get to one sometimes. Loved this take on the centus. Good job.

  3. Loved it. Made me truly want to see that purple crocus.

  4. Great job ! I love the inspiration she got with her ordinary life with "mental sunbeams" very sweet !!!

  5. Well played. Nothing like a giggle from a crib to bring you back from the dark and into the light!~Ames

  6. How delightful! I love the mental sunbeams!

  7. That was a nice, happy jolt of change at the end. It's a very hopeful piece. Great work.

  8. Mental sunbeams, never thought of it that way before, wish I could hear giggles from the crib again.

  9. Awww, such a sweet story! Hard to be melancholy when there's baby laughter! Great job this week!

  10. This was so sweet, glad she was able to snap out of the blues.

  11. More flowers and blossoms and sunbeams and no more winter pleeeeeeeeeaaaaazzze! Great short story!

  12. Like so many others, I love the idea of mental sunbeams. Your piece is well written and very visual. "...rainbows ramble down the window..." "cloud cluttering sky..."

    Thanks for a wonderful centus.


  13. mental sunbeams ... I love that!!!! wonderful story!

  14. Oh, oh, oh! What a glorious story. I love this!

    Absolutely love this!


    Now I feel bad about my deep, dark one....


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