Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saturday Centus/Decision

How can another week be gone again? But it is and that means Saturday Centus time once more! The prompt this week is everything depended on this single card. It did not take me too long to picture the card and the scene came even faster once I put Charlie's name to it.Charlie was one who answered call, but he came home never erasing the horrors he saw there.

For full Saturday Centus rules, visit Jenny's site at:


Charlie’s sweaty palm made the heavy paper curl in his fist. Everything depended upon this single card. He flipped his longish locks back of his ears and watched the fire build, heard the rants and chants.

Scenes of Lincoln’s portrait in the fifth grade classroom, the words “country tis of thee”, the photo of Dad standing on a tank in bombed Berlin, and Fourth of July sprays of color showering the night sky flooded his head. Suddenly someone threw in the flag and cheers roared.

He knew what he had to do and slipped the moist draft card into his pocket and left the rally.


  1. WOW, excellent take on the prompt !!!

    I often wonder how many of the boys in my High School Senior class did what Charlie did and never came home and what happened to the ones who survived and did come home...

  2. Amazing job! I love the direction you took it and the message behind it! I would have never thought of draft cards. Great Centus!

  3. Very nice indeed. Great message and well written!

  4. Oh my! Interesting response - war is always so sad.

  5. Charlie has a conscience and has decided not to dodge the draft. Excellent imagery!~Ames

  6. This was a powerful take on the prompt. I never would have thought of using a draft card. Excellent, original take, and beautifully written. Kat

  7. Oh my...absolutely wonderful! Perfect.

  8. Wow, this is really profound. The images are very powerful (bombed Berlin, etc.). You did a fantastic job.

    PS I just joined as a follower too.

  9. Wow what a neat way to take the prompt1 nobody could repeat this creative jewel!

  10. Monday afternoon....Hi Claudia...For some reason, I cannot open your e-mail. Anyway, thanks for your visit to my blog and your sweet comment.

    Winter is still here, too, lurking around every snowbank and making MORE flakes come down from the sky. "Get out, winter. Go away!"

    Hope you have a good day anyway, Claudia. We have to make our own sunshine! Susan

  11. So very powerful. Excellent.

  12. what a nicely thought out and intruiging story.

  13. This well written little story did exactly what you intended. It took me back to the days of burning draft cards and American flags. Not an easy time for anyone of my generation.


  14. Wow. Wow. Ummm.... WOW! Powerful, visual, moving.

    This was incredible.


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