Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday Centus/Family Time

Jenny gave us a normal prompt today!  Use
the ATM machine began dispensing twenties in a 100 hundred Saturday Centus. For complete rules and a link, visit her at:

Meanwhile you can read my Centus offering below.


                                                          Family Time

Camping would be family time he said.

Indeed, she did spend time with her diapered toddler and hyperactive preschooler after he left for the trout stream at dawn. She built a fire, cooked outside, walked the dog, tried to corral the kids away from the snakes and bees in the heat of the day.

In the evening after supper, she sponge-bathed the children, put dishes to soak in a plastic tub, and watched hubby, his casting arm exhausted, fall into his sleeping bag.

Monday morning, she smiled at the children as the ATM machine began dispensing twenties.  Today was real family time—at the mall.


  1. Oh yes, I can relate! Great way to go with this prompt.

  2. Oh! Yea! Let's take the kids to the mall! Good one!

  3. Yeah baby...Great job and my sentiments exactly when it comes to a fishing trip in the wild outdoors versus the creature comforts of civilization and shopping !!!

  4. Shop til ya drop! That's my motto! :) ~Ames

  5. Hahahahah, I love this..and oh, how I can relate to that poor woman. Excellent job!

  6. Oh yeah, I can see all those $20's going to some really good use at the Mall! Funny take on this! Great stuff...cuz after all we can always dream in the blog world right!

  7. Ha Ha! I can so relate! What a great story!

  8. Claudia,
    Now here's a woman who knows about doing HER thing.

  9. I LOVED this! Great take on the prompt. This felt very real, glad that she took the bull by the horns. Time for her to enjoy her vacation a bit! Kat

  10. Cute take on this one!


    PS. I'm late with my Centus this week, but here it is:
    Sheethead by Sue

  11. oh yeah!!! She has family time right!!!! loved you centus!

  12. Loved this...their version of family time is on opposite ends!!!....mall time is fun...than camping with younger kids

  13. Oh I loved this. I could smell that camp fire! Such a cute twist at the end. I can really relate, often those weekend camping trips are just a whole lot of work for Mom!!

  14. Love it! Very vivid writing and character development.
    Shop on!
    donna v.

  15. I love this!

    And I think that might have been written about my first husband, although I don't remember seeing you hiding behind a tree! ha!

    What a fun use of this prompt!

    Absolutely clever!


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