Thursday, February 10, 2011

Confinement Ending?

It was -6 with -20 wind chill first thing this morning after five inches more snow yesterday. We attended a college luncheon with friends on Tuesday at noon between two storms. It was the only day we have been out of the house to speak of in eleven days! The word is a warming trend comes by the weekend. Not sure what we will do with ourselves.

I am working through the larder and through the writing list. Frankly the larder is showing the most change. Yesterday it was ham and beans with cornbread. Today it was a quiche for lunch. I had lot of fresh spinach that is looking less fresh each day. I found a dabble of browned sausage and green pepper in the freezer. There was enough feta cheese and Swiss cheese left that when added to a can of mushrooms, I had a nice spinach mushroom quiche. Hubby squirmed at that green, but he will live.

My sister-in-law sent me several sites to check out for possible markets. One is located in Carbondale and I wonder if my St. Louis Sistas are aware of it not far from them. The Jack Dyer Fiction Prize contest will open on the first of March.( There is a healthy entry fee, but it does give you several issues of the publication for the price.

Do you know about It is a place to register the books you read, form groups of other readers, and to learn about new titles for reading. There is also a poetry group for posting and voting on poems if you would like. This from their newsletter:

     Goodreads and the ¡POETRY! group have partnered to host an ongoing poetry contest. Join the ¡POETRY! group to vote each month to pick a winner from among the finalists. You can also submit a poem for consideration.

One other literary journal you might want to check out is University of Virginia’s Blackbird at reading period is open until April 15.


  1. Oh, Claudia...Hasn't it been a wicked winter? Cheeze. Glad you got out to the luncheon, though. It's so good to get out of the house. I'm sitting in the living room with the fireplace burning (again) and loving the nice cozy inside atmosphere. Outside, it's f-f-f-freeeezing. Susan

  2. Claudia,
    I am counting the minutes until that 50 degrees arrives this weekend. Glad you got out of the house. They say we're getting a week of reprieve. OVERDUE. But we still have March to contend with.

  3. Hi Claudia,
    I share your pain. It hasn't been quite as cold here, but it's been close. There's hope for a warm up this weekend. I'm so ready.

  4. Hi Claudia - May a thaw come your way soon! In the meantime, stay warm!


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