Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saturday Centus

First of all, a rousing weclome to the new followers Kathy B, bchenderson39, and Sara. I hope you like writing prompts because Jenny's is SUCH a fun place to write!!

This is Saturday Centus . The prompt must be used word for word somewhere in the story on not more than 100 words.The prompt is highlighted. For complete rules see:

                                                                   Tribute to Manhood

The early November sunshine cast golden rays on the dark and rippled lake water. Oak and cottonwood leaves drifted down like rainbow colored snowflakes pooling near the bank. It was Katie’s favorite fishing season when summer’s whining water toys and party boats were absent. Only dedicated fishermen remained under the weakening rays.

Katie watched Ron’s practiced arm cast out the baited line with the smoothness of a pitcher on the mound, her book open in her lap. The boat rocked to the water’s silent lullaby that made her drowsy. Everything was perfect except for mounting pressure she noticed in her bladder. If only she were a man!

*******One week left on memoir give away


  1. Beautifully written and a great ending ... if only indeed!! :o)

  2. Truly the one advantage of manhood! Loved this one.

  3. I was so caught up in the moment with your beautifully descriptive scene, I was taken by surprise with your ending. Wonderful story!

  4. Love the ending. And the lead-up that makes it even more unexpected.

    Good job!


    PS. I must say, as an aside, that their method of elimination is the only thing I've ever envied about being a man...and even then, only camping trips and long drives.

  5. LOL, didn't expect that at the end. That's exactly why I don't go boating, besides the seasickness, ha! I always so enjoy the descriptive way you write and like coming to see what you write on Saturday. Good job.

  6. Hee hee! I so wasn't expecting that! Well done!

  7. Beautiful and sooooo funny! Love this!
    Best wishes
    Anna's SC wk 28

  8. Oh, that was unexpected! Hilarious. :)

  9. Great picture painted & a fabulous twist at the end!

  10. This was PERFECT! We were just talking yesterday about inventing a pee shooter for women!

  11. This was so beautifully descriptive "rainbow colored snowflakes" - just perfection. And then the twist. Although you described that feeling perfectly too :) I really enjoyed this! Kat

  12. Funny and well written! I really enjoyed this!

  13. You set such a beautifully written scene, then wham! Great twist. Having been fishing with my husband many times, I can certainly empathize. Will spare you the details of our solution to the problem...........cj

  14. Love it! Love how you twisted this around and surprised us all!

    Lovely, lovely writing.

    Thank you for linking.

  15. Yikes. I fixed your other link, too! But here I am again!


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