Monday, September 6, 2010

Tea Cup Tuesday

This is part of Tea Cup Tuesday, a tea party lead by Martha and Terri. Please read, enjoy, and join in with your own tea cups. Check in at their blogs: and

Thanks to the Tea Cup Tuesday ladies, I became aware of Aynsley tea cups. I did not have one, but I put that mark on my list to find. In a tiny shop near the Ohio River I spotted one, and it is a beauty! The background tends to a shade of rich cream and does not show well in the photo. Oh, it is a pretty cup with is wide band of cobalt blue, and I have had tea from it several times already. The heft of the cup and handle are perfect. Claridge is the pattern of this Aynsley cup.

On the same trip in Lebanon, Illinois I lingered in an antique story full of tea cups, pots and beautiful china. They had several knife rests, Blue Willow pieces, and egg coddlers too, but I felt like I had enough of everything. That is until DH asked if I had seen the one lone blue knife rest. Oh, I had not and at first thought it black since it was so dark. But DH said to hold it up to the light, and when I did, I saw the most luscious cobalt blue. Well, it had to come with me even though it looks like the proverbial black sheep with the crystal ones.

A second cup today is one I have had for a while. My sister gave it to me after seeing it in a flea market. It is Royal Daulton and also has a creamy background. It has an interesting shape in that it is not round but sports an octagon shape. It is a nice cup and saucer.



  1. Beautiful teacups and I must say I love the cobalt knife rest!

  2. Love those antique shops. Your delicate treasures are pretty.

  3. Hello :) Lovely teacups for today, and I just love Ansley cups! My preference is always the ones with the big pink roses :) Perhaps I'm a Roseaholic, lol! I'm already a confessed chocoholic, so why not add another one to the list, lol :) Hope you have a wonderful Tea Tuesday!!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  4. Hello Bookie,
    Your teacups are loverly!!! I have never seen a cobalt knife rest; good find for you!!! I think the Royal Doulton teacup is from the 1940s. I love it!!
    Warm hugs, Laura

  5. Both your tea cups are very pretty. I love how generous the first cup is, and the second one has such a interesting shape. Both great cups to have in your collection.
    Thank you so much for sharing with us today.

  6. Hi Bookie!
    Ahhhhh an antique shop filled with teacups, teapots and china!! A collectors dream place!
    I'm loving the handle on the first teacup - its so dainty!
    Knife rests - what a neat thing to collect! I imagine the cobalt one is very rare!
    Thanks for sharing your treasures today!
    Hugs and Smiles,

  7. Oh how nice to find something so different as that Cobalt Blue Knife rest! LOVE IT!!! and Of course I LOVE those cups&saucers... "Gorgeous"!
    Hugs to you, Donna

  8. Hi Bookie,
    both of your tea cups are amazing. thank you for sharing them with us.
    I've very much enjoyed my visit to your blog today and now that it's all nice and quiet in the house I'll take my time to read your older posts.

  9. I adore both of these beauties you have shared with us today and my heart went pitter patter over those knife rests!! Lucky you!!


  10. I have not one knife rest but now that you have shown yours I will be on the look out. Lovely tea cups. I really like the one with the octagon shape. Thanks for visiting me and for your kind comment.


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