Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday Centus #19/ Remembering

This is Saturday Centus . The prompt must be used word for word somewhere in the story on not more than 100 words.The prompt is highlighted. For complete rules see: I have highlighted this week's prompt in piece below.

Today's Centus was so very hard because it is grueling to return to those moments. It is hard to be creative or find a new set of profound words for this repulsive horror even with years of distance. It was even painful to read Centus entries today. At first I thought I couldn't do it at all and then I decided to give it a shot. I fear my own entry is trite.

The boys’ rooms leaked silence since they were back at college. Hubby had lumbered off to work, and I packed my bag dreading another teaching day. This year’s student crop was lazy and spoiled; already I tired of pushing sentence structure and literature into fallow minds. I glanced at the television screen. A horror flick? Then I turned up the sound. My blood turned to ice while the ordinariness of my days fell away like a husk on a dead bug. I felt stripped, naked, and alone in a mean world of terror. I stood frozen in front of the flickering images on my TV.


  1. Ooooooooooooh! You're a writer! I enjoyed reading through several of your posts--peeking into your journal to see what you've been reading, etc.

    I celebrate the success of your fellow-writers. That's inspiring.

    Interesting exercise - the Saturday Centus. I can imagine that this one was particularly difficult.

  2. Wow, Claudia! Rebecca is so correct. You are a writer! That was absolutely phenomenal!

  3. Great job,Bookie. That was a hard one, too. Susan

  4. I really enjoyed this. Excellent job!~Ames

  5. Definitely a Centus that stirred old emotions, none of the words written were trite.

  6. This was wonderfully written. I think everyone felt the way your writing says. It was just another ordinary day until it wasn't anymore.

  7. Great job. Well-written and packed a punch.

    Thanks for such a potent reminder of that day.

  8. Very well done ... and I relate to how you felt about the prompt. It was a difficult one to do.

  9. Amazingly written. And yes, we all were just having an ordinary day.

  10. Excellent link. I try to stretch myself a bit beyond my comfort zone and although it often feels like something I would rather avoid, I'm always happy I did the exercise.

    This has been a difficult week to read...but I find some solace in the sense of community and shared memories that I read here.

    Thank you for linking.

  11. I have to ask, did you go to school that day? I wish I hadn't waited so long to finish reading these, I feel bad - everyone put so much heart into them...

  12. Dear Bookie,
    Thank you for your interesting comments on my post.
    Yours is well-written and exciting post about a writing exercise that was not easy for any of us.
    You have weaved seamlessly the prompt into a vibrant text.
    Forgive me for commenting so late. I got little off balance. Trying to catch up.

    Best wishes,
    For the benefit of other readers:
    Anna's SC-Remembering 9/11


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