Monday, August 2, 2010

Tea Cup Tuesday #22 Angels

Last week, I looked around and found no new tea cups in my house so I gathered up some tea related things for posting for a couple of weeks. Then when we made the thrift shops later, I found these two darling cups with no saucers. Neither had been used; the chintz is labeled Roy Kirkham, Fine Bone China, Made in England. I was excited to find it, and I was elated to find that both cups were only 79 cents!!!!

I added my own saucer, but thought I might look on line for a mate to the cup. However, the pattern is called Garden Chintz and I found no matches for that name.

Today I want to show my tea cup angels. I don't have many angels, but a couple do definitely celebrate tea drinking.

Now true this old crone does not look like an angel, but I think she is. She definitely enjoys tea and her life. No worries except keeping the tea hot!

And this little tea pot must have a ghost because numerous shots in more than one room always yield a rather blurry picture. Tell me true, are there tea ghosts as well as tea angels?


  1. I do mismatched cups and saucers all the time and I like the look! Those are some pretty teacups!

  2. Hi, Bookie,
    Your tea cups are sweet as can be!! A great buy, too. Your tea drinking angels are very pretty. I especially find your tea drinking old crone very charming. Could it be that the tea room is haunted? You just never know. Have the happiest of weeks, my friend~ Vicki

  3. Hi Bookie: I love it when I find good deals like yours. They are just perfect. I love all your tea goodies too. Your post is just too cute! Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  4. Hello :) How lucky to find 2 sweet teacups at a great price! I am sure eventually you will find their mates...good things come to those who wait :) Love your sweet tea angels.

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  5. Hello there tea friend,

    What a darling duo of pretty teacups and also I love the addition of your sweet angels as well!

    Thanks so much for sharing!

    I also want to most warmly invite you to partake with and visit our little corner of 'Tuesday And Wednesday Teatime In Blogland'..,(I do apologize sincerely for not being able to visit in awhile whereas I am so exceeedingly busy and tired these days, yet I always love to visit you when I'm able, I assure you)!

    Please do feel most welcome to visit our little shared meme that I am delighted to share with my dear friend Pam @ http://breathoffresh

    ..,and also my little bit @ for our 14th, 'Teapots And Tea Things Tuesday'!..,

    ~There is also my 42nd, 'Tuesday Tea For Two' blog tea party and the 33rd, 'Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee' to be held @

    We would simply love to have you join in the teatime fun!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

  6. Such lovely teacups! I need to go to thrift shops, maybe I'll find some cute teacups too. Your teacup angels are so darling. And I really like that teapot. A tea ghost? I don't know, but I actually like the idea ;-)

  7. Hello- I love your "old crone" angel. She defiantly looks like she is warm and caring. Who ever said that all angels have to look the same? Big wings, flowing hair, long dress. She looks like someone I would want watching over me. Very special, Thank you for sharing and take care.

  8. I bet there are tea ghosts! Love the cups you found and I really enjoy mismatching -- perfect for that. Your tea angels are a delight! I'll be on the lookout for some!

  9. Your tea cups are lovely .Thank you very much for your visit
    Meeting you has been a pleasure

  10. Hello Bookie,
    I love your orphan teacups; they are lovely. Your tea angels are sweet also. I believe in tea ghosts!!!
    Thanks for coming over for tea!
    Hugs, Laura

  11. I love those sweet tea cups and your angels!! I have a thing about angels and collect them!


  12. Everything is lovely, but I have to say my absolute favourite is that old crone drinking her tea! She just looks like the most interesting person with whom it would be such a delight to share a cup of tea. Can you imagine the stories she could tell? :)

  13. 79 cents? Lovely teacups for that price, and I think the white saucer is just fine with them. I very much like your tea drinking angels...and the crone. She might have a tale or two to share over tea.

  14. Love the old crone who looks like an average overworked housewife pausing for tea. And that floral tea cup has my vote.

  15. Hi Claudia,
    Your teacups look so nice and summery!
    Now that you mention this, I never come across just teaplates for sale. Yesterday I was in a well fare second hand shop and just saw complete sets. This shop was an eye opener (and very tempting to buy things!), I will go back and take pictures - I am sure all of you will drawl over the cupboard you will see.
    I enjoyed seeing your angels. Yes, how strange that the teapot comes out dizzy every time - maybe you are scared of it now and tremble? ;-))
    Have a happy weekend and best regards from a grey and rainy Holland (today).

  16. I would be thrilled to have any one of these pieces in my home. Those teacups are so romantic, somehow. And I love the angles and teapots, too.


  17. Hi Claudia! I'm quite a bit behind in my blog reading and commenting! I love your tea cup finds, and your angels and your tea pot!! Every single item made me smile, so I would say they are definitely winners!!

  18. Oooh my!..,So very pretty!

    Thanks so much for sharing these absolutely beautiful lovelies with us!

    Please know that I always love having you visit and partake with our little of corner of blogland as well my dear lady!

    It's soon that time of the week once more for, 'Tuesday And Wednesday Teatime In Blogland'!..,

    You are most warmly invited to attend and also to partake with our little teatime delights for my 43rd,'Tuesday Tea for Two' as well as for my 34th, Wednesday Tea For Me And Thee' weekly blog teaparties held @

    ..,Last but not least in our little 'suite of tea party offerings' is the delightful, 15th, 'Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday' shared blog tea party meme that I share with my dear friend Pam @

    ~The other 1/2 of the 15th, 'Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday' meme is my other meme, held also @ blog..,

    As I am fond of saying; you can never have too many tea parties in blogland!..,

    Hope to see you there!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee


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