Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Stud and Jimmy Choos

Jenny threw a curve this week, called it a Shake Up. Hum...will give it a try.

I could smell the chicken scratch, oil tempered wire, and faint scent of leather even before I opened the mesh screen door. One step on the warped board floor inside reminded me I shouldn’t have worn Jimmy Choos. A spike heel on the wrong wave of wood could throw me further than a bucking bronco. I picked my way carefully back to the garden section.

Old Harry, toothless as ever, called from the saddle shop where he was tooling a spiral into the leather. “Find’in whatcha need, Rebbie.

I winced as no one had called me that since I had left the prairie years ago. Years fell away giving me an odd feeling deep in the pit of my stomach, or was that something else. The hair on my neck rose straight up, like a cat’s fur while facing a snarling dog.

When I turned around I was startled to meet a green eyed gaze. The eyes looked hard as two jade stones, and I remembered the fury they could hold. They were part of the reason I left Jensen County. Yet I couldn’t help but notice Jake’s Wranglers fit snugly, loins stretching blue denim like rawhide on a saddle horn.

What would he do next?


  1. You had me at the title! Really good writing, and you handled the challenge beautifully! Kat

  2. Nice writing. Loved the title, too.

  3. Whoa. Great title. Great writing. I love the western flair you brought to this prompt!

    This was awesome!

    Great, great (and different) read!

    It's fun to stretch your writing muscles, isn't it?

  4. Mysterious and compelling. Lot of room for between the lines reading here.

  5. I liked this! Original, with the western twist.

    Especially liked the last line.


  6. Loved the ending, like one of those "Choose your own adventure" books... ;)

  7. Very nice writing. I loved the eyes as jade stones...

  8. "loins stretching blue denim"

    Yeah...I like that.

  9. Hey Claudia! This was fantastic! I'm really impressed! I don't think I'm going to take the challenge this week, but I'll try to read as many entries as I can!

  10. You had me at toothless old Harry..mwahahaha!
    Sounds just like downhome to me :) Great way to go.

  11. This is the first week I have read these, too fun! Your's is very good!

  12. This was really good and a different way. Really great Centus this week.

  13. A western, eh? Very original and creative approach to the prompt. Very well written! Nicely done, Claudia!

  14. "..........loins stretching blue denim like rawhide on a saddle horn." It doesn't get much more HR than that! I loved it.

    ..........cj Schottman

  15. Well 'pardner'...ummm Claudia...job well done...set a scene of vivid imagery...Peace and blessings

  16. Great job, Claudia! You avoided cliche.

    I would've also like the title if it had been, "The Stud IN the Jimmy Choos"!


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