Saturday, June 12, 2010

Splendor in the Grass

Want a way to practice writing scences? Tightening lines? Come write with Jenny’s writing promt. Each linked essay must be 100 words or less, not including the "prompt" words. The prompt words can be used in any place within your story but must be left intact. To do Saturday Centus, use Jenny Matlock’s writing prompt found at

Splendor in the Grass
Maura loved mowing grass in the summer. The sun beat down on her perspiring skin, sweating out sugary Twinkie poisons; robins followed her mower waiting for worms near the earth’s topside, and the drone of the engine drowned out everything but thoughts she wanted to mull over in her head. Under today’s July sun, she was remembering her date with Roger and the passionate kisses stolen on the Country Club’s lawn near midnight. She smiled recalling the softness of freshly cut grass cushioning shoulder blades exposed by a pink sundress. It’s true the smell of mowed grass can stay with you for years, for decades.

90 words, excluding prompt and title


  1. Nicely done Bookie! I love the imagery of sweating out the Twinkie poisons. Great stuff.

  2. This was really a good take on the prompt. I loved all the details about her mowing the grass and her thinking while she was mowing. Sounds like her and Roger have a budding romance. Great job.

  3. Twinkie Poison...HAHAHA

    Good one!

  4. I really enjoyed this, the imagery was great. Twinkie poisons just made me laugh, and I can see those little robins hopping about after the mower. Really nicely done take on the prompt! Kathy

  5. Beautifully written!! And I love your title. Splendor in the Grass was always one of my favorite tear-jerker love movies!

  6. Left me wondering if the midnight triste was recent or part of the memory mmm.....well done!

  7. this was very well done. Like Vicki I ggigled at the twinkie poison!

  8. I want to go outside right now and sweat some Twinkie poinsons too! Nice job this week! You tapped into your inner romance novelist!

  9. Sultry and sensual...its Natalie and warren all over again...very nice...Peace and Blessings

  10. Twinkie Poison..will never again view that favored surgary delight the same way. Nice story though.

  11. Wow. I loved this. The twinkie poison was my favorite part.

    Romantic, sexy, tight writing.

    What a wonderful use of the prompt.

  12. I could feel the whole thing. Great writing! And I must chime in with the others about the Twinkie poison. Simply brilliant.


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