Thursday, May 20, 2010

Missouri Writing Contests

I am not a member of this writing guild, but I do occasionally get notices about their contests. This is an inexpensive contest to enter and does have some prize money attached. I will post the complete info. Entries are not due until the fall!

Springfield Writers’ Guild

17th Annual Literary Awards

Jim Stone Grand Prize Memorial Awards

#1 Poetry any subject, any form Limit: 1 page, single spaced

#2 Fiction any subject Limit: 1,500 words

#3 Non-Fiction any subject Limit: 1,500 words

Awards for categories #1 - #3:

1st place - $100 and certificate Two Honorable Mentions and certificate

($3 per entry for categories 1-3)

Prose Poetry

(Limit of 1,000 words/entry)                                (Limit of one single-spaced page)

#4 Essay or Article – Ozarks Related                 #9 Rhyming – any subject or form

#5 Short Story – any genre                                  #10 Humorous Verse – any form

#6 Nostalgia/Reminiscence                                    #11 Free Verse – any subject

#7 Humor – any subject                                          #12 Haiku – traditional (5,7,5 – nature theme)

#8 Essay or Opinion Piece

Awards for categories #4 - #12:

1st place - $20 and certificate 2nd place - $10 and certificate

3rd place $5 and certificate One Honorable mention and certificate

($2 per entry for categories 4-12)

Entry Guidelines:

1. All entries must be the original, unpublished work of the contestant.

2. Do not enter the same prose or poetry in more than one category

3. All manuscripts must be typed on 8½ x 11 paper in standard manuscript form. Prose must be double-spaced and

poetry must be single-spaced. All entries must have a title except the haiku.

4. Place the category name and number, plus the word count for prose, in the upper left corner of each entry.

List the poetry form where applicable.

5. DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME ON THE ENTRY. Include a cover sheet listing ALL entries by category, name,

number, title, and the first line of the manuscript or poem. Put your name, address, phone number and email address

on the cover sheet.

6. Keep all originals; no copies will be returned. No entries/winners will be published.

7. Winners will be announced and awards given at the October 2010 regular S.W.G. meeting or mailed to those unable

to attend.

8. DEADLINE: All entries must be postmarked no later than October 1, 2010. SWG is not responsible for lost,

misdirected, or postage-due entries.

9. For a list of winners, please include a SASE with your entry.

10. There is no limit on entries per category. However, no entrant may win more than one award per category entered,

regardless of the number of entries.

11. Any entry that does not follow these guidelines will be immediately disqualified without reimbursement.

Mail contest fees and entries to:

Dr. Jerry Wible, SWG Contest

2987 E. Kemmling Lane

Springfield, MO 65804

For more information:

Email: or

Phone: Jerry (417) 889-8370 or Mandy (417) 830-7660

Make all checks payable to: Springfield Writers’ Guild Contest.
Here is a poetry contest with a June deadline...still time to enter!
Whispering Prairie Press
2010 Poetry, Flash Fiction, and Essay Writing Awards
Deadline: June 30,2010
Prizes in Each Category: 1st place $100, 2nd place $50, 3rd place $25,
plus one honorable mention for every 10 entries.

Eligibility: Open to all writers age 18 and up, except members of the Board of Directors of Whispering Prairie Press. All work must be the author’s original work.

Poetry: Any style, any subject. Limit: 36 lines

Flash Fiction: A complete fictional short story with a beginning, middle and end. 1,000 words or less

Non-fiction Personal Essay: 1,000 words or less

Submissions: All entries must be unpublished at the time of submission.

1. No limit on number of entries.

2. Submit hard copy with no name on manuscript.

3. Put word count for fiction or line count for poetry in the top right corner.

4. Include a cover sheet with name, address, e-mail, telephone number with area code, category, and title of entry. If author is a full-time college student, add the name of the school

5. Prose must be double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman or Courier. Poetry may be single spaced.

6. Enclose SASE for next year’s guidelines. Entries not returned.

Entry fee: $5 for each entry or 3 entries for $10. (nonrefundable)

Full-time college students: 2 entries for $5 May mix categories.

Address: Whispering Prairie Press Writing Awards
               PO Box 8342
               Prairie Village, KS 66208-0342

Postmark Deadline: June 30, 2010

Results: Winners will be announced by August 1, 2010, and winners’ names posted at .Judges’ decisions are final.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Claudia! Thanks for posting all that! Very kind of you!!


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