Monday, April 5, 2010

Another Contest

2010 Poetry/Story Anthology

The On The Edge MSPS chapter is seeking submissions for their 2010 anthology. Each

person whose poem(s) or story gains acceptance for publication will receive a free copy of

the published book, a $17.50 value. The books are library-bound hardback and have an

ISBN number assigned. This will be our eighth annual anthology. We plan to limit the book

size to approximately 200 pages. We are seeking artwork for the cover, and illustrations

for your work. Contact Billy Adams for detailed art submission requirements. We have

switched to a large print format (font #14). For this reason, short poems are preferred. Line

length is especially important. Count the number of characters per line. Keep the number

to 32 or less.

Submission Guidelines

You may submit five poems of one page, or a maximum of five pages, and/or a nonfiction

story. Printing space for each page is approximately three (3)" wide and six (6)" high.

POEMS: Maximum number of lines 36, including spaces and title. Maximum number of

characters per line is 32. Two-page poems are permitted, but the page limit will not be

waived (30 lines per page). STORIES: Limited to 1500 words, fiction, nonfiction or

creative nonfiction. You may submit both poems and a story. If you choose to submit

both, the entry fee will be $15.00. Poems and/or stories may be edited for content. Please

indicate if your story is non-fiction or fiction on the same line as the title.

Subject: any Poetry Form: Any

Submission fee: $10.00 for entry of (5) poems or one (1) story. $15.00 for both if entered

by the same author. Note: If you want your book mailed to you please include $2.50 for

postage and packaging.

Deadline: July 30, 2010 - Early submissions preferred. Accepted submissions printed

in order received. Make check or money order payable to On the Edge, and mail to the

address below. Entry must be accompanied by a signed submission form. Do not email

submissions unless your entry form and fee have been sent. Mail to: Billy J. Adams, 12600

McKinstry Road, De Soto, MO 63020.

Electronic submissions: email to Bill at: Submissions must be in

Microsoft Word format, 1997, 2000, 2002, 2003 or 2007 version. You may also send

submissions by mail on a 3" floppy disk. Mac users may submit Apple-works format to

Faye at, or mail on a floppy. If you have questions, call Faye or

Billy Adams at (636) 337-0523, or use either email. Please use Times New Roman, font

size 12, if possible. Poetry: Start all lines at the left margin, except lines tabbed or spaced

for emphases. Centering all lines between margins is acceptable. Each poem must be on a

separate file or page. Story: Single space with indented paragraphs.

Printed Submissions: Each poem must be printed on a separate page, single spaced, plain

white paper only. Submit one copy of each poem. No frills, please. Submit story printed on

plain white paper, single spaced, indented paragraphs, 1500 word limit. Do not put your

name or address on the entries. Put publishing credits at the end of poems and stories.

Reminder: You may include illustrations for your poems or story, if you have them.

Photos are acceptable.
Entry Form

MSPS Chapter On the Edge 2010 Anthology

Name: __________________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________



email: _________________________Phone: __________________________________

Pen Name (if other than your legal name and you want your poems identified by your pen


List of submitted poems:

1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________



I give permission to the On the Edge Poetry Chapter to publish the above poems and/or

story in their 2010 anthology. If submitted works are published, compensation will be made

in the form of one copy of the 2010 anthology per 5 poems and/or single story. After

publication, all rights will revert back to me. These are original works, written by me.*

Signed by: ______________________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________________________

*Please read the submission guidelines carefully. Entries which do not follow the

guidelines will not be accepted.

Please do NOT send Preachy, Political or Obscene material for our book. Our editors

cannot digest properly. They will automatically spew it out.

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